On linear stability analyses of hypersonic laminar separated flows in a DSMC Framework Part II: Residuals algorithm and the least damped global modes

Ozgur Tumuklu, Jose Miguel Pérez, Vassilis Theofilis, Deborah A. Levin

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Linear global instability analysis of hypersonic laminar separated flows over a double cone and a 'tick' configuration is performed. Statistical analysis of unsteady DSMC data yields the average damping rates of the respective least damped perturbations. The residuals algorithm is then used to predict the converged steady state at a fraction of the DSMC computational effort, as well as identify the amplitude functions of the underlying global modes of shock-dominated laminar separated flow. It is seen that the main flow features, such as the shape and location of the shock, the triple point and the entire laminar separated region, are clearly reflected in the amplitude functions of the global modes. First steps are taken toward self-consistent instability analysis of DSMC-based hypersonic flows, based on linearization of the probability distribution function. The viability of the approach is demonstrated in incompressible global stability analysis computations based on the Lattice Boltzmann method.

Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - 2017
Event57th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, IACAS 2017 - Tel Aviv and Haifa, Israel
Duration: Mar 15 2017Mar 16 2017


Other57th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, IACAS 2017
CityTel Aviv and Haifa

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Aerospace Engineering


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