title = "Observation of D0 → K0K0",
abstract = "We have observed the decay mode D0 → KS0KS0. The signal was isolated by detecting both KS0's decaying via KS0 → π+π-, and by using the well-known D*+ → D0 π+ mass difference. We have measured the branching fraction of D0 → KS0KS0 relative to D0 → K+K- and find the ratio Γ(D0 → K0K0)/Γ(D0 → K+K-) to be 0.4 ± 0.3.",
author = "Cumalat, {J. P.} and C. Shipbaugh and M. Binkley and F. Bossi and J. Butler and P. Coteus and M. Dicorato and M. Diesburg and J. Enagonio and J. Filaseta and Frabetti, {P. L.} and I. Gaines and P. Garbincius and M. Gormley and J. Haggerty and Harding, {D. J.} and T. Kroc and R. Ladbury and P. Lebrun and Manfredi, {P. F.} and J. Peoples and A. Sala and J. Slaughter and J. Wiss",
note = "Funding Information: between0 .0 and 0,14, but also reflectsu ncertaintiyn the relativea cceptancceo rrection. To check our understandinogf the relativea ccep-tances of the K ° and K +, we comparedt he state K*°(890)~K-~ + to the stateK *+ (890)-~K°~+ for the xf range -0.02<xr< +0.14. In table 1 the ratio of (K *° + I~* ° ) / (K* ++ K*-) is presentedfo r four bins ofxr. From isospinc onsiderationwse expectt his ratio to be 1 at low xr. A similar comparisonu sing neutraal nd chargedk aonsp roducedin pp collisions has been shown \[8 \] to agreew ith thesee xpectations. After correctingfo r efficiencya nd the K ° branching fractiont o K °, the ratios for each bin are consistent with the predictedv alue. In conclusion, we have observed the decay D°-~K°I¢° and have comparedth is decayc hannetlo D°~K+K -. To evaluate the reconstructiona nd identificatioenf ficiencieso f the chargedk aonsand the Ks° , a studyo f the K* ( 890 ) systemw asm ade.T he resultsi ndicatet hatwe have no major systematiecr - rors which would affect our measuremenot f F(D°~K°K°)/F(D°~K+K - ). Finally, we note that our measuredra tio, 0.4 + 0.3, is consistenwt ith the theoreticaels timateo fref, \[1 \], We gratefullya cknowledgeth e assistancew e re-ceivedf rom the Fermilabs taffandt he supports taffs at the University of Illinois, at the University of Colorado,a t the Universityo f Pavia, and at INFN in Milan. This researchis supportedb y the US Department of Energya ndby the Istituto Nazionaled i Fis-ica Nucleareo f Italy.",
year = "1988",
month = aug,
day = "18",
doi = "10.1016/0370-2693(88)90381-4",
language = "English (US)",
volume = "210",
pages = "253--257",
journal = "Physics Letters B",
issn = "0370-2693",
publisher = "Elsevier B.V.",
number = "1-2",