Nutrient uptake, partitioning, and remobilization in modern soybean varieties

Ross R. Bender, Jason W. Haegele, Frederick E. Below

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The absence of recent data regarding the nutritional needs of modern soybean \Glycine max (L.) Merr.] production systems necessitates a greater comprehensive understanding of nutrient uptake, partitioning, and remobilization. The objective of this study was to evaluate macro- and micronutrient accumulation and partitioning in current soybean cultivars. Across 3 site-years, plants were sampled at seven growth stages and divided into four plant tissue fractions for quantification ofnutrient uptake. Accumulation (per ha) of275 kg N, 21 kg P (48 kg P2O5), 172 kg K (207 kg K2O), 113 kg Ca, 50 kg Mg, 19 kg S, 335 g Zn, 371 g Mn, 325 g B, 849 g Fe, and 63 g Cu were required to produce approximately 3500 and 9500 kg ha-1 of grain and total biomass, respectively. Supplemental fertility modestly increased biomass and yield (2%), but did not alter nutrient partitioning or harvest index. Nutrients with high harvest index (i.e., percentage of total nutrient accumulation partitioned to grain) values included P (81%), N (73%), Cu (62%), and S (61%), which may serve as a limitation to high yield. Seasonal patterns of nutrient accumulation suggested that K and Fe were acquired primarily during late vegetative growth while the uptake ofN, P, Ca, Mg, S, Zn, Mn, B, and Cu were more equally distributed between vegetative and seed-filling growth phases. These results document the rate and duration of macro- and micronutrient accumulation in soybean, and highlight the importance of adequate nutrient availability during key crop growth periods.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)563-573
Number of pages11
JournalAgronomy Journal
Issue number2
StatePublished - Mar 1 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Agronomy and Crop Science


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