Numerically simulated interactions between a precipitating synoptic system and lake-effect snowbands over lake Michigan

Katy L. Fitzpatrick, Mark R. Hjelmfelt, William J. Capehart, David A.R. Kristovich

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


The numerically simulated interactions between a precipitating synoptic system and lake-effect snowbands over lake Michigan were described. The four domains used in the simulations consisted of spacings of 13.5km, 4.5km, 1.5km and 0.5km. The location of natural enhancement and vertical cross-section plot of the snow mixing-ratio at 1730 UTC was also shown. A horizontal plot was made to confirm the enhancement of lower-level clouds from the system located at 500 hPa. The locations of potential natural enhancement were obtained by plotting the snow mixing ratio q sn for the 1000 hPa level over-laid with the q sn from the 900, 700 and 500 hPa levels in constrasting colors.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2719-2723
Number of pages5
JournalBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
StatePublished - 2004
EventCombined Preprints: 84th American Meteorological Society (AMS) Annual Meeting - Seattle, WA., United States
Duration: Jan 11 2004Jan 15 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science


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