Modified predator-mandible and -maxilla artifacts and predator symbolism in Illinois Hopewell

Kenneth B. Farnsworth, Terrance J. Martin, Angela R. Perri

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Species reidentification and burial-context analysis of 34 artifacts made from the cut-and-drilled mandibles and maxillae of coyotes, wolves, cougars, and bears recovered from Illinois Hopewellian mounds over the past century provide new perspectives on the variety of forms, mortuary associations, species-specific uses, and symbolic significance of these artifacts.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of Publication[Champaign, IL]
PublisherIllinois State Archaeological Survey, Prairie Research Institute
StatePublished - 2015

Publication series

NameISAS Studies in Archaeological Material Culture no. 3


  • ISAS


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