Methods and systems for large area and low defect monolayer ordering of microspheres and nanospheres

Dane J. Sievers (Inventor), Sartaj S Grewal (Inventor), Lukas Janavicius (Inventor), Julian Michaels (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


In an example, a method including dispensing a liquid onto a first portion of a surface of a substrate and dispensing a solution comprising colloidal spheres onto a second portion of the surface of the substrate. The method additionally includes agitating the colloidal spheres to disperse the colloidal spheres along the first portion and the second portion of the surface of the substrate and directing air flow above the colloidal spheres inducing rotation of the colloidal spheres. In another example, a method includes positioning a retaining ring on a surface of a liquid above a substrate below the surface of the liquid and dispensing a solution comprising colloidal spheres onto the surface of the liquid within a surface area of the retaining ring. The method further includes agitating the surface of the liquid and the colloidal spheres to disperse the colloidal spheres along the surface area of the retaining ring.
Original languageEnglish (US)
U.S. patent number12011736
Filing date12/22/21
StatePublished - Jun 18 2024


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