Mesoscale structures along wind-parallel bands in lake-effect snows

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Convection along wind-parallel bands of higher reflectivity was examined on four cases in lake-effect snow storms over southern Lake Michigan using data collected during the 1983/84 field operations of The University of Chicago lake snow project. This convection was superimposed on wind parallel bands resulting from longitudinal rolls. Two scales of convection along the rolls were evident from the radar reflectivity patterns: Km-scale core regions and 100-m scale cores. The core regions had long lifetimes relative to the estimated convective overturn times, but the lifetimes of the smaller-scale convection is not known. A relatively simple method of quantifying how much the roll flows are modified by the core regions was outlined. Preliminary results revealed that the rolls contributed less than half of the total mass flux due to km-scale convective eddies. The mass flux due to convection along the rolls tended to be higher in the roll updraft zones (U-zones) than in the roll downdraft zones (D-zones). However, the mass flux due to the rolls was on average about the same in the U-zones and D-zones.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages3
StatePublished - 1993
Event26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology - Norman, OK, USA
Duration: May 24 1993May 28 1993


Other26th International Conference on Radar Meteorology
CityNorman, OK, USA

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Engineering


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