Linking Auditing and Meta-Evaluation: Enhancing Quality in Applied Research

Thomas A. Schwandt (Editor), Edward Scott Halpern (Editor)

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


This book provides a detailed discussion of the use of an auditing model for judging the quaity of naturalistic inquiries. The approach can be used retrospectively in judging the quality or trustworthiness of a naturalistic study upon its completion. It can be applied prospectively as well in planning a naturalistic study, for example in determining what ought to be placed in an audit trail and what might be done to increase the likelihood that trustworthiness criteria will be satisfied at the conclusion of the study. Detailed information is provided on constructing an audit trail from the written materials generated in a naturalistic study, conducting an audit (including specific auditor tasks and questions that focus the audit examination), and preparing an audit report.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationNewbury Park, CA
PublisherSAGE Publishing
Number of pages160
ISBN (Print)9780803929685, 9780803929678
StatePublished - Jun 1988

Publication series

NameApplied Social Research Methods


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