Lightning talk: "I solemnly pledge" A manifesto for personal responsibility in the engineering of academic software

Alice Allen, Cecilia Aragon, Christophe Becker, Jeffrey C. Carver, Andrei Chis, Benoit Combemale, Mike Croucher, Kevin Crowston, Daniel Garijo, Ashish Gehani, Carole Goble, Robert Haines, Robert Hirschfeld, James Howison, Kathryn Huff, Caroline Jay, Daniel S. Katz, Claude Kirchner, Kateryna Kuksenok, Ralf LämmelOscar Nierstrasz, Matthew Turk, Rob V. Van Nieuwpoort, Matthew Vaughn, Jurgen Vinju

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Software is fundamental to academic research work, both as part of the method and as the result of research. In June 2016 25 people gathered at Schloss Dagstuhl for a week-long Perspectives Workshop and began to develop a manifesto which places emphasis on the scholarly value of academic software and on personal responsibility. Twenty pledges cover the recognition of academic software, the academic software process and the intellectual content of academic software. This is still work in progress. Through this lightning talk, we aim to get feedback and hone these further, as well as to inspire the WSSSPE audience to think about actions they can take themselves rather than actions they want others to take. We aim to publish a more fully developed Dagstuhl Manifesto by December 2016.

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalCEUR Workshop Proceedings
StatePublished - 2016
Event4th Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences, WSSSPE4 2016 - Manchester, United Kingdom
Duration: Sep 12 2016Sep 14 2016


  • Manifesto
  • Software

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Computer Science


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