Learn to Lead, Lead to Learn: Leadership as a Work in Progress

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


Learn to Lead, Lead to Learn is based on the assumption that learning is essential to our ability to adapt and innovate as individuals and organizations. For our schools and organizations to thrive, our leaders must be, first and foremost, voracious learners who create, nurture and sustain conditions that enhance learning individually and collectively.

The purpose of this book is to help uncover some of the essential attributes and practices key to learning and leading. Eight leadership growth attributes are highlighted, that when developed and reinforced through iterative practice, enhance learning and the capacity to adapt and transform. The leader attributes include: aspiration, agility, curiosity, intellectual humility, courage, rebelliousness, enthusiasm and a driving spirit.

The leader must also ensure that the organization is equipped to continually learn and grow. Related to each personal attribute there is a similar organizational growth attribute that when effectively integrated can enhance organizational learning and the capacity of the organization to adapt and innovate. The eight organizational attributes include: purpose, imagination, exploration, diversity, organizational justice, disruption, urgency and bold moves.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationLanham
PublisherRowman & Littlefield
Number of pages102
ISBN (Print)9781475841480, 9781475841497
StatePublished - Nov 2019


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