Laser-driven flyer plates for shock compression science: Launch and target impact probed by photon Doppler velocimetry

Alexander D. Curtis, Alexandr A. Banishev, William L. Shaw, Dana D. Dlott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


We investigated the launch and target impact of laser-driven Al flyer plates using photon Doppler velocimetry (PDV). We studied different flyer designs launched by laser pulses of different energies, pulse durations and beam diameters, that produced km s-1 impacts with transparent target materials. Laser-launching Al flyers 25-100 μm thick cemented to glass substrates is usually thought to involve laser vaporization of a portion of the flyer, which creates many difficulties associated with loss of integrity and heating of the flyer material. However, in the system used here, the launch mechanism was surprising and unexpected: it involved optical damage at the glass/cement/flyer interface, with very little laser light reaching the flyer itself. In fact the flyers launched in this manner behaved almost identically to multilayer flyers that were optically shielded from the laser pulses and insulated from heat generated by the pulses. Launching flyers with nanosecond laser pulses creates undesirable reverberating shocks in the flyer. In some cases, with 10 ns launch pulses, the thickest flyers were observed to lose integrity. But with stretched 20 ns pulses, we showed that the reverberations damped out prior to impact with targets, and that the flyers maintained their integrity during flight. Flyer impacts with salt, glass, fused silica, and acrylic polymer were studied by PDV, and the durations of fully supported shocks in those media were determined, and could be varied from 5 to 23 ns.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number043908
JournalReview of Scientific Instruments
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2014

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Instrumentation


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