Large-scale background and role of quasi-biweekly moisture transport in the extreme Yangtze River rainfall in summer 2020

Yanjun Qi, Renhe Zhang, Zhuo Wang

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A severe flooding hit southern China along the Yangtze River in summer 2020. The floods were induced by extreme rains, and the associated dynamic and thermodynamic conditions are investigated using daily gridded rainfall data of China and NCEP-NCAR reanalysis. It is found that the June–July rainfall over the Yangtze River Basin (YRB) experienced pronounced subseasonal variation in 2020, dominated by a quasi-biweekly oscillation (QBWO) mode. The southwestward-moving anomalous QBWO circulation was essentially the fluctuation of cold air mass related to the tropospheric polar vortex or trough-ridge activities over the mid-high latitude Eurasian in boreal summer. The southwestward-transport of cold air mass from mid-high latitudes and the northeastward-transport of warm and moist air by the strong anomalous anticyclone over the western North Pacific provided important large-scale circulation support for the extreme rainfall in the YRB. The analysis of streamfunction of water vapor flux demonstrates that a large amount of water vapor eastward zonal transport from the Bay of Bengal and Indo-China and northward transport from the South China Sea provided the background moisture supply for the rainfall. The quasi-biweekly anomalies of potential and divergent component of vertically integrated water vapor flux played an important role in maintaining the subseasonal variability of rainfall in June–July of 2020. The diagnosis of moisture tendency budget shows that the enhanced moisture closely related to the quasi-biweekly fluctuated rainfall was primarily attributed to the moisture convergence. Further analysis of time-scale decomposition in the moisture convergence indicates that the convergence of background mean specific humidity by the QBWO flow and convergence of QBWO specific humidity by the mean flow played dominant roles in contributing to the positive moisture tendency. In combination with adiabatic ascent over the YRB induced by the warm temperature advection, the boundary layer moisture convergence strengthened the upward transport of water vapor to moisten the middle troposphere, favoring the persistence of rainfall during June–July. The vertical moisture transport associated with boundary layer convergence was of critical importance in causing low-level tropospheric moistening. By comparison, the horizontal moisture advection played a secondary important role in the quasi-biweekly oscillation of rainfall in June–July 2020.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3721-3736
Number of pages16
JournalClimate Dynamics
Issue number7-8
StatePublished - Oct 2023


  • Extreme Yangtze River rainfall
  • Large-scale circulation
  • Moisture transport
  • Quasi-biweekly oscillation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science


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