Josephson current in Fe-based superconducting junctions: Theory and experiment

A. V. Burmistrova, I. A. Devyatov, Alexander A. Golubov, Keiji Yada, Yukio Tanaka, M. Tortello, R. S. Gonnelli, V. A. Stepanov, Xiaxin Ding, Hai Hu Wen, L. H. Greene

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We present a theory of the dc Josephson effect in contacts between Fe-based and spin-singlet s-wave superconductors. The method is based on the calculation of temperature Green's function in the junction within the tight-binding model. We calculate the phase dependencies of the Josephson current for different orientations of the junction relative to the crystallographic axes of Fe-based superconductor. Further, we consider the dependence of the Josephson current on the thickness of an insulating layer and on temperature. Experimental data for PbIn/Ba1-xKx(FeAs)2 point-contact Josephson junctions are consistent with theoretical predictions for s± symmetry of an order parameter in this material. The proposed method can be further applied to calculations of the dc Josephson current in contacts with other new unconventional multiorbital superconductors, such as Sr2RuO4 and the superconducting topological insulator CuxBi2Se3.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number214501
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number21
StatePublished - Jun 2 2015

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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