Isolated loss of the AUTS2 long isoform, brain-wide or targeted to Calbindin-lineage cells, generates a specific suite of brain, behavioral and molecular pathologies

Yunshu Song, Christopher H Seward, Chih-Ying Chen, Amber LeBlanc, Analise M Leddy, Lisa Stubbs

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Rearrangements within the AUTS2 region are associated with a rare syndromic disorder with intellectual disability, developmental delay and behavioral abnormalities as core features. In addition, smaller regional variants are linked to wide range of neuropsychiatric disorders, underscoring the gene’s essential role in brain development. Like many essential neurodevelopmental genes, AUTS2 is large and complex, generating distinct long (AUTS2-l) and short (AUTS2-s) protein isoforms from alternative promoters. Although evidence suggests unique isoform functions, the contributions of each isoform to specific AUTS2-linked phenotypes have not been clearly resolved. Furthermore, Auts2 is widely expressed across the developing brain, but cell populations most central to disease presentation have not been determined. In this study, we focused on the specific roles of AUTS2-l in brain development, behavior, and postnatal brain gene expression, showing that brain-wide AUTS2-l ablation leads to specific subsets of the recessive pathologies associated with mutations in 3´ exons (exons 8-19) that disrupt both major isoforms. We identify downstream genes that could explain expressed phenotypes including hundreds of putative direct AUTS2-l target genes. Furthermore, in contrast to 3´ Auts2 mutations which lead to dominant hypoactivity, AUTS2-l loss-of-function is associated with dominant hyperactivity and repetitive behaviors, phenotypes exhibited by many human patients. Finally, we show that AUTS2-l ablation in Calbindin 1-expressing cell lineages is sufficient to yield learning/memory deficits and hyperactivity with abnormal dentate gyrus granule cell maturation, but not other phenotypic effects. These data provide new clues to in vivo AUTS2-l functions and novel information relevant to genotype-phenotype correlations in the human AUTS2 region.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberiyad182
Issue number1
Early online dateOct 10 2023
StatePublished - Jan 2024


  • AUTS2 syndrome
  • isoform function
  • gene expression
  • brain development
  • behavior

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Medicine


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