Introduction to Assessment in Rehabilitation

David R. Strauser, Chelsea E. Greco

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter introduces the role of assessment in contemporary rehabilitation counseling practice. A five-step, problem-solving approach consisting of Problem Orientation, Problem Identification, Generation of Alternatives, Decision-Making, and Verification was introduced as a process to help guide the rehabilitation assessment process. The chapter also introduces Assessment, Test, Measurement, and Variable as key terms that are relevant in rehabilitation counseling assessment and the different types of assessment methods typically used. It discusses contemporary issues that have, and continue to impact the use of assessment in rehabilitation counseling. The introduction of these important issues and concepts related to assessment should provide rehabilitation counselors with the necessary basic understanding to be informed implementers and consumers of assessment in rehabilitation counseling. In addition, rehabilitation counselors who are familiar with the pros and cons associated with assessment in rehabilitation counseling will be more likely to apply rehabilitation assessment to maximize individual outcomes.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationAssessment in Rehabilitation and Mental Health Counseling
EditorsDavid R. Strauser, Timothy N. Tansey, Fong Chan
PublisherSpringer Publishing Company
ISBN (Electronic)978-0-8261-6243-4
ISBN (Print)978-0-8261-6242-7
StatePublished - Aug 2019


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