Inform, Explain, or Control: Techniques to Adjust End-User Performance Expectations for a Conversational Agent Facilitating Group Chat Discussions

Hyo Jin Do, Ha Kyung Kong, Pooja Tetali, Karrie Karahalios, Brian P. Bailey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A conversational agent (CA) effectively facilitates online group discussions at scale. However, users may have expectations about how well the CA would perform that do not match with the actual performance, compromising technology acceptance. We built a facilitator CA that detects a member who has low contribution during a synchronous group chat discussion and asks the person to participate more. We designed three techniques to set end-user expectations about how accurately the CA identifies an under-contributing member: 1)information: explicitly communicating the accuracy of the detection algorithm, 2)explanation: providing an overview of the algorithm and the data used for the detection, and 3)adjustment: enabling users to gain a feeling of control over the algorithm. We conducted an online experiment with 163 crowdworkers in which each group completed a collaborative decision-making task and experienced one of the techniques. Through surveys and interviews, we found that the explanation technique was the most effective strategy overall as it reduced user embarrassment, increased the perceived intelligence of the CA, and helped users better understand the detection algorithm. In contrast, the information technique reduced members' contributions and the adjustment technique led to a more negative perceived discussion experience. We also discovered that the interactions with other team members diluted the effects of the techniques on users' performance expectations and acceptance of the CA. We discuss implications for better designing expectation-setting techniques for AI-team collaboration such as ways to improve collaborative decision outcomes and quality of contributions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number3610192
JournalProceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
Issue numberCSCW2
StatePublished - Oct 4 2023


  • collaborative decision-making task
  • conversational agent
  • facilitator
  • group chat discussion
  • participation balance
  • user acceptance of the agent

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Social Sciences (miscellaneous)
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Computer Networks and Communications


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