Independent Semantic and Syntactic Representations in L2 Mandarin Learners: Evidence from Structural Priming

Douglas J. Getty, Xiang Wei, Lin Chen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Structural representations in English have been shown to be quite abstract, with structural information being represented independently from semantic information. Mandarin has a relatively sparse marking of syntactic information, with no inflections for case, number, or tense. Given this syntactic sparsity, Huang et al. (2016) hypothesized that, distinct from English-language findings, Mandarin learners may have shared syntactic and semantic representations, such that semantic information can guide structure building. We examined this question in L2 Mandarin learners using a structural priming paradigm that required reading Mandarin primes. We found that L2 Mandarin learners exhibit within-language structural priming, and this effect is independent of semantic information. These findings have two implications: (1) this represents the first demonstration of within-language L2 Mandarin structural priming; (2) L2 learners can develop syntactic representations independent of semantic representations, even when the target L2 language lacks rich marking of syntactic information.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number204
JournalEducation Sciences
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2024


  • structural priming
  • bilingualism
  • reading


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