Incoherent Bi off-centering in Bi2Ti2O 6O and Bi2Ru2O 6O: Insulator versus metal

Daniel P. Shoemaker, Ram Seshadri, Makoto Tachibana, Andrew L. Hector

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In the cubic, stoichiometric oxide compounds Bi2Ti 2O6O (also written as Bi 2Ti2O7) and Bi2Ru2O 6O (also written as Bi2Ru 2O7) Bi3+ ions on the pyrochlore A site display a propensity to off-center. Unlike Bi2Ti2O 6O, Bi2Ru2O6O is a metal, so it is of interest to ask whether conduction electrons and/or involvement of Bi 6s states at the Fermi energy influence Bi3+ displacements. The Bi3+ off-centering in Bi 2Ti2O6O has previously been revealed to be incoherent from detailed reverse Monte Carlo analysis of total neutron scattering. Similar analysis of Bi2Ru2O 6O reveals incoherent off-centering as well, but of smaller magnitude and with distinctly different orientational preference. Analysis of the distributions of metal to oxygen distances presented suggests that Bi in both compounds is entirely Bi3+. Disorder in Bi 2Ti2O6O has the effect of stabilizing valence while simultaneously satisfying the steric constraint imposed by the presence of the lone pair of electrons. In Bi2Ru 2O6O, off-centering is not required to satisfy valence and seems to be driven by the lone pair. Decreased volume of the lone pair may be a result of partial screening by conduction electrons.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number064117
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number6
StatePublished - Aug 24 2011
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  • Condensed Matter Physics


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