Impact of Dynamic Wheel Loading on Flexible Pavement Responses for Non-Free Rolling Conditions

Johann J. Cardenas, Imad L. Al-Qadi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Since 2000, pavement design methodologies have transitioned from empirical to mechanistic-empirical procedures. However, the complexities of loading patterns, contact stress distribution, material characterization, vehicle maneuvering, and dynamic load amplification are still not fully considered, despite their significant effect on pavement performance. In this study, state-of-the-art numerical models were used to investigate the changes in critical pavement responses derived from the combined effect of roughness-induced dynamic loading and vehicle maneuvering. A decoupled vehicle–tire–pavement interaction approach composed of a random process to generate artificial road roughness profiles, a mechanical full truck model, and three-dimensional finite element tire and flexible pavement models allow the prediction of the impact of road roughness on vehicle dynamics. In addition, the study quantifies the effect of dynamic loading on contact stresses, and consequently, on pavement critical responses. Because of the expected increase in axle weight from truck electrification, overweight scenarios were also considered. Changes in load history and distribution of strain fields were assessed for two typical pavement structures (thin and thick). The combined effect of roughness-induced dynamic loading and vehicle maneuvering greatly altered the critical pavement responses associated with bottom-up fatigue cracking, near-surface cracking, and rutting. Under the most adverse conditions, the critical tensile strains at the bottom of the asphalt concrete increased up to 125%, the shear strain increased up to 100%, and the compressive strain escalated to 120% when compared with the reference cases. Higher temperatures exacerbated the impact of dynamic wheel loading and vehicle maneuvering.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)761-778
Number of pages18
JournalTransportation Research Record
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2024
Externally publishedYes


  • asphalt
  • design and rehabilitation of asphalt pavements
  • infrastructure
  • mechanistic-empirical pavement design
  • pavement design
  • pavement modeling
  • pavements

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Civil and Structural Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering


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