Ignoring Race and Denying Racism: A Meta-Analysis of the Associations Between Colorblind Racial Ideology, Anti-Blackness, and Other Variables Antithetical to Racial Justice

Jacqueline Yi, Helen A. Neville, Nathan R. Todd, Yara Mekawi

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


One critical role counseling psychologists can play in dismantling anti-Blackness and eradicating systemic racism is to build on the field’s strength in understanding individual-level processes (i.e., systems are created and maintained by individual actors). Drawing on antiracism scholarship, we aimed to better understand how colorblind racial ideology (CBRI), or the denial and minimization of race and racism, may serve as a barrier to engaging in antiracist praxis. Specifically, we conducted a meta-analysis to determine if color evasion (ignoring race) and power evasion (denying structural racism) CBRI were differentially associated with anti-Blackness and processes linked to antiracism. Findings based on 375 effects drawn from 83 studies with more than 25,000 individuals suggest different effects based on CBRI type. As hypothesized, we found that power evasion CBRI was related to increased endorsement of anti-Black prejudice (r =.33) and legitimizing ideologies (r =.24), and negatively associated with a range of other variables associated with antiracism, including social justice behaviors (r = −.31), multicultural practice competencies (r = −.16), diversity openness (r = −.28), and racial/ethnocultural empathy (r = −.35). Consistent with theory, color evasion CBRI was related to increased diversity openness (r =.12). We discuss limitations of our study, as well as outline future directions for research and practice to focus on the role of CBRI in sustaining and perpetuating anti-Blackness and systemic racism.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)258-275
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Counseling Psychology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Apr 2023


  • colorblind racial ideology
  • ethnocultural empathy
  • multicultural competencies
  • racial prejudice
  • social justice

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Psychiatry and Mental health
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Social Psychology


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