Hydrogen activation by biomimetic diiron dithiolates

Matthew T. Olsen, Bryan E. Barton, Thomas B. Rauchfuss

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Using the thermally stable salts of [Fe2(SR)2(CO) 3(PMe3)(dppv)]-BArF 4, we found that the azadithiolates [Fe2(adtR)(CO)3(PMe3)-(dppv)] + react with high pressures of H2 to give the hydride [Fe2(μ-H)(adtR)(CO)3(dppv)(PMe3)]BAr F4. The related oxadithiolate and propanedithiolate complexes are unreactive toward H2. Molecular hydrogen is proposed to undergo heterolysis assisted by the amine followed by isomerization of an initially formed terminal hydride. Use of H2 and D2O gave the deuteride as well as the hydride, implicating protic intermediates.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)7507-7509
Number of pages3
JournalInorganic Chemistry
Issue number16
StatePublished - Aug 17 2009

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
  • Inorganic Chemistry


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