Hunter Participation, Harvest, and Hunting Behavior During the 2017 Illinois Conservation Order Season

Daniel T. Sears, Brent D. Williams, Craig A. Miller, Ryan J. Conat

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Harvest of light geese (Chen caerulescens, Chen rossii) during the 2017 Illinois Light Goose Conservation Order season was estimated at 133,629. An estimated 2,459 hunters participated in the 2017 Illinois Light Goose Conservation Order season. Hunters spent an estimated 32,931 days afield during 2017, and the majority (63%) of the snow goose harvest occurred during the month of February. Due to changes in sampling of addresses and calculation of estimates, comparisons should not be made to years prior to 2014. Hunters were sampled from Harvest Information Program (HIP) registrants who reported they hunted snow and other light geese (including Ross’ and Blue geese) during the 2016 Light Goose Conservation Order seasons. Electronic calls were used by 89.5% of hunters, 82.5% used unplugged shotguns, and 68.3% reported hunting between sunset and ½ hour after sunset. About fifty-two percent of snow goose hunters indicated an increase in effort over the past five years, and 40.2% of hunters perceived an increase in snow goose abundance during the regular goose seasons. About twenty-eight percent of snow goose hunters used a guide or outfitter while hunting snow geese during the 2017 season, for an estimated 864 days total.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherIllinois Natural History Survey
StatePublished - Feb 12 2018

Publication series

NameINHS Technical Report 2018 (09)


  • INHS


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