Hematopoetic prostaglandin D synthase: An ESR1-dependent oviductal epithelial cell synthase

Phillip J. Bridges, Myoungkun Jeoung, Sarah Shim, Ji Yeon Park, Jae Eun Lee, Lindsay A. Sapsford, Kourtney Trudgen, Chemyong Ko, Myung Chan Gye, Misung Jo

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Oviductal disease is a primary cause of infertility, a problem that largely stems from excessive inflammation of this key reproductive organ. Our poor understanding of the mechanisms regulating oviductal inflammation restricts our ability to diagnose, treat, and/or prevent oviductal disease. Using mice, our objective was to determine the spatial localization, regulatory mechanism, and functional attributes of a hypothesized regulator of oviductal inflammation, the hematopoietic form of prostaglandin D synthase (HPGDS). Immunohistochemistry revealed specific localization of HPGDS to the oviduct's epithelium. In the isthmus, expression of HPGDS was consistent. In the ampulla, expression of HPGDS appeared dependentuponstage of the estrous cycle.HPGDS was expressed in the epithelium of immature and cycling mice but not in the oviducts of estrogen receptor α knockouts. Two receptor subtypes bind PGD 2: PGD 2 receptor and G protein-coupled receptor 44. Expression ofmRNAfor Ptgdr was higher in the epithelial cells (EPI) than in the stroma (P<0.05), whereasmRNAfor Gpr44washigher in the stroma than epithelium (P<0.05). Treatment of human oviductal EPI with HQL-79, an inhibitor of HPGDS, decreased cell viability (P < 0.05). Treatment of mice with HQL-79 increased mRNA for chemokine (C-C motif) ligands 3, 4, and 19; chemokine (C-X-C motif) ligands 11 and 12; IL-13 and IL-17B; and TNF receptor superfamily, member 1b (P < 0.02 for each mRNA). Overall, these results suggest that HPGDS may play a role in the regulation of inflammation and EPI health within the oviduct.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1925-1935
Number of pages11
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2012

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Endocrinology


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