Groundwater Availability at Oquawka, Illinois (Henderson County)

Midwest Technology Assistance Center

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


This project is an outgrowth of the Public Service Program of the Center for Groundwater Science (CGS) at the Illinois State Water Survey. For over 50 years, the CGS has provided groundwater information to any requesting individual, commercial facility or public water facility. Groundwater resource assessments have been an integral part of this public service and have been undertaken for thousands of individuals and facilities throughout its history. Community groundwater supplies that have been identified as potentially “deficient” are the targets for this project. The criterion used for determining community deficiency were; 1) Water Supply and Demand (operating time), 2) Aquifer Limitation, 3) Well Specific Capacity, and 4) Facility History. The Village of Oquawka has been identified as a target community for groundwater assessment through this project. Project Goal To provide a resource tool of pertinent groundwater information to each target facility. This document describes a summary of historic information, current conditions and the potential for expansion of the water supply of Oquawka.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Jun 9 2009

Publication series

NameGround Water Availability Report (MTAC)


  • ISWS


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