Ground-based mobile instrument workshop summary, 23-24 February 2000, Boulder, Colorado

Howard B. Bluestein, Bruce A. Albrecht, R. Michael Hardesty, W. David Rust, David Parsons, Roger Wakimoto, Robert M. Rauber

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper summarizes the results of a workshop on ground-based mobile instruments, which was held at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, in February 2000. An inventory of both existing and planned instrumentation is given. Sessions on radars, lidars, profilers, and in situ sensors are briefly reviewed. Discussions on emerging technologies, scientific problems amenable to data collection by ground-based mobile instruments, and educational opportunities are also summarized. Consensus recommendations for future developments are presented.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)681-694
Number of pages14
JournalBulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 2001

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Atmospheric Science


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