Geographic Information

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


From simple road maps to advanced global-position satellite (GPS) technology, geographic information is essential in today's world. As a result of computers, the Internet, and satellite technology, geographic information is expanding in both quantity and type. Businesses, scientists, travelers, and countless others rely heavily on accurate, up-to-date geographic information. This book is a unique, timesaving, and easy-to-use reference, steering users through the massive amount of geographic information available from a wide range of sources and providing tips on how to use them effectively and efficiently in real-world research.

Topics include map basics, finding place names, general geography works, general and thematic atlases, special format maps, aerial photography, remotely sensed images, and more. This book provides an accessible overview of the important, emerging field of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), computer systems capable of assembling, storing, manipulating, and displaying geographically referenced information. Also included is information on geographical standards, organizations, instructional resources, commercial publications, and careers in geography.

Whether researching a specific location or a general topic, collecting antiquarian maps, or having an interest in learning how to use geographic tools from topographical maps to nautical charts, this book is a must-have reference.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationWestport
PublisherGreenwood Press
Number of pages216
ISBN (Print)9781573563925
StatePublished - 2003

Publication series

NameHow to Find It, How to Use It


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