Gap-modulated dynamics of flexible plates

Shyuan Cheng, Stefano Olivieri, Marco E Rosti, Leonardo P Chamorro

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The effect of single perforations and their location on the drag and reconfiguration of flexible plates was explored through laboratory experiments and direct numerical simulations. The plates were subjected to uniform flows with negligible turbulence, and the perforations had a square cross-section resulting in a low porosity ratio of. Rigid plates with and without perforations and flexible plates without perforations served as the baseline cases. The perforated plates exhibited distinct jets through the openings in the wake, significantly impacting the aerodynamic force and plate deformation. The velocity and position of the centre jet velocity in relation to downwind distance were influenced by both the incoming flow and the location of the perforations. The centre jet velocity profiles were normalized using an effective velocity and corrected perforation half-width, revealing their dependence on these factors. A simple first-order formulation was developed to predict the change in drag for various perforated plates under a wide range of incoming velocities. This formulation was supported by numerical simulations across a wider range of Cauchy number to confirm the proposed model and separate the effect of the Cauchy and Reynolds numbers. The results of this study may inform the design of flexible structures, define effective porosity and serve as an initial step towards modelling the complex interaction between flow and structures with low porosity.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberA12
JournalJournal of Fluid Mechanics
StatePublished - Oct 25 2023


  • flow-structure interactions

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics


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