L. E. Bleem, M. Klein, T. M.C. Abbott, P. A.R. Ade, M. Aguena, O. Alves, A. J. Anderson, F. Andrade-Oliveira, B. Ansarinejad, M. Archipley, M. L.N. Ashby, J. E. Austermann, D. Bacon, J. A. Beall, A. N. Bender, B. A. Benson, F. Bianchini, S. Bocquet, D. Brooks, D. L. BurkeM. Calzadilla, J. E. Carlstrom, A. Carnero Rosell, J. Carretero, C. L. Chang, P. Chaubal, H. C. Chiang, T. L. Chou, R. Citron, C. Corbett Moran, M. Costanzi, T. M. Crawford, A. T. Crites, L. N. da Costa, T. Haan, J. De Vicente, S. Desai, M. A. Dobbs, P. Doel, W. Everett, I. Ferrero, B. Flaugher, B. Floyd, D. Friedel, J. Frieman, J. Gallicchio, J. Garc’ia-Bellido, M. Gatti, E. M. George, G. Giannini, S. Grandis, D. Gruen, R. A. Gruendl, N. Gupta, G. Gutierrez, N. W. Halverson, S. R. Hinton, G. P. Holder, D. L. Hollowood, W. L. Holzapfel, K. Honscheid, J. D. Hrubes, N. Huang, J. Hubmayr, K. D. Irwin, J. Mena-Fern’andez, D. J. James, F. Kéruzoré, L. Knox, K. Kuehn, O. Lahav, A. T. Lee, S. Lee, D. Li, A. Lowitz, J. L. Marshal, M. McDonald, J. J. McMahon, F. Menanteau, S. S. Meyer, R. Miquel, J. J. Mohr, J. Montgomery, J. Myles, T. Natoli, J. P. Nibarger, G. I. Noble, V. Novosad, R. L.C. Ogando, S. Padin, S. Patil, M. E.S. Pereira, A. Pieres, A. A.Plazas Malag’on, C. Pryke, C. L. Reichardt, M. Rodr’iguez-Monroy, A. K. Romer, J. E. Ruhl, B. R. Saliwanchik, L. Salvati, E. Sanchez, A. Saro, K. K. Schaffer, T. Schrabback, I. Sevilla-Noarbe, C. Sievers, G. Smecher, M. Smith, T. Somboonpanyakul, B. Stalder, A. A. Stark, E. Suchyta, M. E.C. Swanson, G. Tarle, C. To, C. Tucker, T. Veach, J. D. Vieira, M. Vincenzi, G. Wang, J. Weller, N. Whitehorn, P. Wiseman, W. L.K. Wu, V. Yefremenko, J. A. Zebrowski, Y. Zhang

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We present a catalog of 689 galaxy cluster candidates detected at significance ξ > 4 via their thermal Sunyaev-Zel’dovich (SZ) effect signature in 95 and 150 GHz data from the 500-square-degree SPTpol survey. We use optical and infrared data from the Dark Energy Camera and the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) and Spitzer satellites, to confirm 544 of these candidates as clusters with ∼ 94% purity. The sample has an approximately redshift-independent mass threshold at redshift z > 0.25. The confirmed sample spans 1.5 × 1014 < M500c < 9 × 1014 M/h70 and 0.03 < z ≲ 1.6 in mass and redshift, respectively, with a median mass of 2.5 ×1014 M /h70 and median redshift z = 0.7; 21% of the confirmed clusters are at z > 1. We use external radio data from the Sydney University Molonglo Sky Survey (SUMSS) to estimate contamination to the SZ signal from synchrotron sources. The contamination reduces the recovered ξ by a median value of 0.032, or ∼ 0.8% of the ξ = 4 threshold value, and ∼ 7% of candidates have a predicted contamination greater than ∆ξ = 1. With the exception of a small number of systems (< 1%), an analysis of clusters detected in single-frequency 95 and 150 GHz data shows no significant contamination of the SZ signal by emission from dusty or synchrotron sources. This cluster sample, representing the deepest SZ-selected cluster sample to-date, will be a key component in upcoming astrophysical and cosmological analyses of clusters. In addition to the cluster catalog, we also release the millimeter-wave maps and associated data products used to produce this sample. These maps have depths of 5.3 (11.7) µKCMB-arcmin at 150 (95) GHz and an effective angular resolution of 1. 2 (1. 7). The SPTpol products are available at https://, and the NASA LAMBDA website. An interactive sky server with the SPTpol maps and Dark Energy Survey data release 2 images is also available at NCSA

Original languageEnglish (US)
JournalOpen Journal of Astrophysics
StatePublished - 2024


  • Galaxy Clusters
  • Large-Scale Structure of the Universe

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics


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