Four-dimensional augmented reality models for interactive visualization and automated construction progress monitoring

Silvio Savarese (Inventor), Mani Golparvar Fard (Inventor), Feniosky A Pena-Mora (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A method for monitoring construction progress may include storing in memory multiple unordered images obtained from photographs taken at a site; melding the multiple images to reconstruct a dense three-dimensional (3D) as-built point cloud model including merged pixels from the multiple images in 3D space of the site; rectifying and transforming the 3D as-built model to a site coordinate system existing within a 3D as-planned building information model (“as-planned model”); and overlaying the 3D as-built model with the 3D as-planned model for joint visualization thereof to display progress towards completion of a structure shown in the 3D as-planned model. The processor may further link a project schedule to the 3D as-planned model to generate a 4D chronological as-planned model that, when visualized with the 3D as-built point cloud, provides clash detection and schedule quality control during construction.
Original languageEnglish (US)
U.S. patent number9070216
Filing date12/12/12
StatePublished - Jun 30 2015


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