FLASH. Applications and future

K. B. Antypas, A. C. Calder, A. Dubey, J. B. Gallagher, J. Joshi, D. Q. Lamb, T. Linde, E. L. Lusk, O. E.B. Messer, A. Mignone, H. Pan, M. Papka, F. Peng, T. Plewa, K. M. Riley, P. M. Ricker, D. Sheeler, A. Siegel, N. Taylor, J. W. TruranN. Vladimirova, G. Weirs, D. Yu, J. Zhang

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Flash has been successful in simulating a wide variety of astrophysical problems, both within the flash center and in the external community. The code has steadily gained acceptance since its initial release for the following reasons: (1) it is easily ported to a variety of computer architectures and the distribution includes support for many standard machines; (2) creation of new applications is straightforward and well-documented, and the suite of tools allows users to quickly process and interpret simulation results; (3) and the modularity of the code allows users to readily add functionality. The unusually large scale of flash necessitates the adoption of practices already in wide commercial use but not typically found in an academic scientific project. The principal lesson learned during the development of flash is the importance of good software practices. These include thorough documentation, detailed design specifications for the framework and components, and especially regression testing, which is essential in a project with multiple developers.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationParallel Computational Fluid Dynamics 2005
Number of pages7
ISBN (Print)9780444522061
StatePublished - 2006

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Chemical Engineering


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