Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction

Steven Jay Lynn, Judith Pintar, Judith W. Rhue

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction 275 Shelly is a fantasy-prone 24-year-old client. She writes: 276 Broken Images, Broken Selves Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction 277 278 Broken Images, Broken Selves Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction 279 280 Broken Images, Broken Selves Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction 281 282 Broken Images, Broken Selves Fantasy Proneness, Dissociation, and Narrative Construction 283 284 Broken Images, Broken Selves suggest that fantasy proneness can be associated with significant psychopathology.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationBroken Images, Broken Selves
Subtitle of host publicationDissociative Narratives in Clinical Practice
EditorsStanley Krippner, Susan Powers
Number of pages29
ISBN (Electronic)9780203777787
ISBN (Print)9780876308516, 9781138883789
StatePublished - Jan 1 2013

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Psychology


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