Exposure to Selected Elements and Health of Raccoons from Lake Depue

Jeffrey M. Levengood, Brett A. Amdor, Carol A. Lichtensteiger

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Previous studies have documented elevated concentrations of cadmium, copper, lead, zinc and other elements in soils and sediments in and around Lake DePue, Illinois, due to past zinc smelting operations. Concentrations of cadmium, zinc, and other selected elements in the blood, kidney, liver, and pancreas were determined for 29 raccoons collected during 1999-2000, at Lake DePue, Illinois, and reference sites in Bureau (Donnelley Fish and Wildlife Area [FWA]) and Champaign (University of Illinois [UI] Farms) Counties. In addition to the collection of tissues for the determination of analyte concentrations, post-mortem examinations were conducted, portions of kidney, liver, and pancreas were preserved for histopathological examination, and blood was collected for clinical pathology. The objectives were to (1) compare concentrations of selected elements, with emphasis on cadmium and zinc, in tissues of raccoons collected at Lake DePue with those of raccoons from reference sites and previously reported values for raccoons from Illinois, (2) examine the health of raccoons from Lake DePue relative to specimens from reference sites, and (3) examine the potential risks to other species of special concern (i.e. mink and otter), based upon concentrations of contaminants in raccoon tissues and reported effects/tissue levels in these species.

Publication series

NameRR Series (Waste Management and Research Center)


  • Raccoons -- Effect of pollution on -- Illinois
  • Zinc -- Environmental aspects
  • Lead -- Environmental aspects
  • Cadmium -- Environmental aspects
  • Wildlife management areas -- Illinois
  • Wildlife management -- Illinois
  • DePue, Lake (Ill.) -- Environmental conditions


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