Exclusive ρ0 electroproduction on transversely polarized protons

A. Airapetian, N. Akopov, Z. Akopov, E. C. Aschenauer, W. Augustyniak, A. Avetissian, E. Avetisyan, B. Ball, N. Bianchi, H. P. Blok, H. Böttcher, C. Bonomo, A. Borissov, V. Bryzgalov, J. Burns, M. Capiluppi, G. P. Capitani, E. Cisbani, G. Ciullo, M. ContalbrigoP. F. Dalpiaz, W. Deconinck, R. De Leo, L. De Nardo, E. De Sanctis, M. Diefenthaler, P. Di Nezza, J. Dreschler, M. Düren, M. Ehrenfried, G. Elbakian, F. Ellinghaus, R. Fabbri, A. Fantoni, L. Fellawka, S. Frullani, D. Gabbert, G. Gapienko, V. Gapienko, V. Gharibyan, F. Giordano, S. Gliske, C. Hadjidakis, M. Hartig, D. Hasch, G. Hill, A. Hillenbrand, M. Hoek, Y. Holler, I. Hristova, Y. Imazu, A. Ivanilov, H. E. Jackson, H. S. Jo, S. Joosten, R. Kaiser, T. Keri, E. Kinney, A. Kisselev, N. Kobayashi, V. Korotkov, P. Kravchenko, L. Lagamba, R. Lamb, L. Lapikás, I. Lehmann, P. Lenisa, L. A. Linden-Levy, A. López Ruiz, W. Lorenzon, X. G. Lu, X. R. Lu, B. Q. Ma, D. Mahon, N. C.R. Makins, S. I. Manaenkov, L. Manfré, Y. Mao, B. Marianski, A. Martinez de la Ossa, H. Marukyan, C. A. Miller, Y. Miyachi, A. Movsisyan, V. Muccifora, M. Murray, A. Mussgiller, E. Nappi, Y. Naryshkin, A. Nass, W. D. Nowak, L. L. Pappalardo, R. Perez-Benito, P. E. Reimer, A. R. Reolon, C. Riedl, K. Rith, G. Rosner, A. Rostomyan, J. Rubin, D. Ryckbosch, Y. Salomatin, F. Sanftl, A. Schäfer, G. Schnell, K. P. Schüler, B. Seitz, T. A. Shibata, V. Shutov, M. Stancari, M. Statera, E. Steffens, J. J.M. Steijger, H. Stenzel, J. Stewart, F. Stinzing, S. Taroian, A. Terkulov, A. Trzcinski, M. Tytgat, A. Vandenbroucke, P. B. van der Nat, Y. Van Haarlem, C. Van Hulse, M. Varanda, D. Veretennikov, V. Vikhrov, I. Vilardi, C. Vogel, S. Wang, S. Yaschenko, H. Ye, Z. Ye, S. Yen, W. Yu, D. Zeiler, B. Zihlmann, P. Zupranski

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The exclusive electroproduction of ρ0 mesons was studied with the hermes spectrometer at the Desy laboratory by scattering 27.6 GeV positron and electron beams off a transversely polarized hydrogen target. Spin density matrix elements for this process were determined from the measured production- and decay-angle distributions of the produced ρ0 mesons. These matrix elements embody information on helicity transfer and the validity of s-channel helicity conservation in the case of a transversely polarized target. From the spin density matrix elements, the leading-twist term in the single-spin asymmetry was calculated separately for longitudinally and transversely polarized ρ0 mesons. Neglecting s-channel helicity changing matrix elements, results for the former can be compared to calculations based on generalized parton distributions, which are sensitive to the contribution of the total angular momentum of the quarks to the proton spin.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)100-105
Number of pages6
JournalPhysics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Aug 17 2009
Externally publishedYes

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Nuclear and High Energy Physics


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