Examining the effects of urban agglomeration polders on flood events in Qinhuai River basin, China with HEC-HMS model

Yuqin Gao, Yu Yuan, Huaizhi Wang, Arthur R. Schmidt, Kexuan Wang, Liu Ye

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The urban agglomeration polders type of flood control pattern is a general flood control pattern in the eastern plain area and some of the secondary river basins in China. A HEC-HMS model of Qinhuai River basin based on the flood control pattern was established for simulating basin runoff, examining the impact of urban agglomeration polders on flood events, and estimating the effects of urbanization on hydrological processes of the urban agglomeration polders in Qinhuai River basin. The results indicate that the urban agglomeration polders could increase the peak flow and flood volume. The smaller the scale of the flood, the more significant the influence of the polder was to the flood volume. The distribution of the city circle polder has no obvious impact on the flood volume, but has effect on the peak flow. The closer the polder is to basin output, the smaller the influence it has on peak flows. As the level of urbanization gradually improving of city circle polder, flood volumes and peak flows gradually increase compared to those with the current level of urbanization (the impervious rate was 20%). The potential change in flood volume and peak flow with increasing impervious rate shows a linear relationship.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2130-2138
Number of pages9
JournalWater Science and Technology
Issue number9
StatePublished - May 2017


  • Flood simulation
  • Flood volume
  • HEC-HMS model
  • Peak flow
  • Urban agglomeration polders
  • Urbanization

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Environmental Engineering
  • Water Science and Technology


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