Environmental Conditions and New Geography: The Case of Climate Change Impact on Agriculture and Transportation

Sandy Dall’erba, Zhenhua Chen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


While climate change and associated extreme weather events are expected to affect all the sectors of the economy, agriculture and transportation will be especially impacted. The current agricultural production mix reflects current local factor endowments in terms of soil characteristics, climate conditions, and water access as trade theory would suggest; yet it is very likely that future climate conditions will disrupt these local competitive advantages and lead to new production choices and trade patterns. When it comes to transportation services, disruption caused by extreme weather events has become more frequent in recent years. It has a direct influence on airport capacity and flight route, which can cause cascading delays throughout the entire aviation system. Because weather is considered the primary factor for airline delays both in the USA and in China, the transportation sector is particularly keen on adapting its activities to new weather conditions. As such, this chapter provides a review of the current state of the literature and lists the paths for future research on this topic.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationHandbook of Regional Science
Subtitle of host publicationSecond and Extended Edition: With 238 Figures and 78 Tables
Number of pages11
ISBN (Electronic)9783662607237
ISBN (Print)9783662607220
StatePublished - Jan 1 2021


  • Agriculture
  • Climate change
  • Transportation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Economics, Econometrics and Finance
  • General Business, Management and Accounting
  • General Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • General Social Sciences


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