Elder law in a nutshell

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


"This edition incorporates all significant statutory changes since 2019, including the SECURE Act of December 2019, the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022, and the SECURE Act 2.0 of December 2022, regarding pension plan distributions, Medicare, and income taxation, as well as other areas"
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationEagan, MN
PublisherWest Academic Publishing
Number of pages417
EditionEighth edition.
ISBN (Print)9798887865232, 9798887863368
StatePublished - 2023

Publication series

NameNutshell series


  • Ouderen
  • Legal assistance to older people
  • Aide juridique aux personnes âgées
  • Regelgeving
  • Verenigde Staten
  • United States
  • Older people
  • Study aids
  • Aide juridique aux personnes âgées


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