Efficacy of high available phosphorus corn in laying hen diets

J. L. Snow, M. W. Douglas, A. B. Batal, M. E. Persia, P. E. Biggs, C. M. Parsons

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Our objective was to determine if high available phosphorus corn would provide sufficient available phosphorus (AP) to laying hens fed corn-soybean meal diets from 57 to 69 wk of age. Six replications of 12 Dekalb Sigma Leghorn hens were fed a normal yellow dent (YD) corn-soybean meal diet or high available phosphorus (HAP) corn-soybean meal diet without and with 0.04% supplemental inorganic P. The unsupplemented YD diet was calculated to contain 17% CP, 3.8% Ca, and 0.10% AP, and the unsupplemented HAP diet contained 17% CP, 3.8% Ca, and 0.16% AP. In addition, a positive control, YD diet (17% CP, 3.8% Ca, 0.45% AP) was also fed. The HAP corn was directly substituted for YD on a weight basis, and the amount of soybean meal was kept constant in all diets. Egg production, hen body weight, egg weight, egg mass, feed consumption, and feed efficiency were measured. The YD and the YD + 0.04% P treatments were terminated at 61 and 65 wk of age, respectively, due to severe depressions in egg production. Egg production and egg mass for hens fed HAP diets were not different (P > 0.05) from those of hens fed the 0.45% AP diet; however, hens fed the unsupplemented HAP diet did have lower hen body weights and feed intake (P < 0.05) compared to hens fed the positive control diet. Our results indicate that HAP corn contains more available P than normal YD corn and that hens can be fed HAP corn-soybean meal diets containing little or no P supplementation with only minimal effects on production performance.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1037-1041
Number of pages5
JournalPoultry science
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2003


  • Available phosphorus
  • High available phosphorus corn
  • Laying hen

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Animal Science and Zoology


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