Effects of incremental exercise and dietary tryptophan supplementation on the amino acid metabolism, serotonin status, stool quality, fecal metabolites, and body composition of mid-distance training sled dogs

James R. Templeman, Emma Thornton, Cara Cargo-Froom, Eli J. Squires, Kelly S. Swanson, Anna K. Shoveller

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Exercise improves the health of dogs; however, the extreme exertion experienced by sled dogs may lead to variable metabolic and fecal characteristics. Nutritional interventions, such as dietary tryptophan (Trp), may reduce the prevalence of these exercise-induced disturbances. Sporting diets tend to have high crude protein concentrations in contrast to adult maintenance diets and this results in less Trp relative to other amino acids (AA). Therefore, sporting dogs represent an ideal cohort to assess the effects of supplemental Trp. The objective was to evaluate the effects of supplemental dietary Trp and an incremental training regimen on AA and serotonin status, fecal scores and metabolites, and body composition in client-owned Siberian huskies. Sixteen dogs (nine females and seven males) were used, with a mean age of 4.8 ± 2.5 yr and body weight (BW) of 24.3 ± 4.3 kg. Dogs were blocked for sex, age, and BW and randomly allocated into two groups with eight fed a dry extruded control diet (Ctl) and eight fed Ctl supplemented with Trp to reach a Trp:large-neutral AA (LNAA) ratio of 0.075:1 (treatment, Trt). The exercise regimen was designed to increase in distance each week, but weather played a role in setting the daily distance. Each week BW was recorded and food allotments were adjusted to maintain initial BW. Pre and post-exercise blood samples were taken every 3 wk, dogs then received a meal followed by 1, 2, and 4 h post meal blood collections (serum AA, serotonin). Stool collection and scoring occurred each week and body composition was measured on weeks -1 and 11. Serotonin, AA, fecal metabolite, and body composition data were analyzed using PROC MIXED of SAS with dog as a random effect and week and Trt as fixed effects. Stool score data were analyzed using PROC FREQ to compare stool score and Trt, and PROC CORR was used to analyze associations between fecal score, temperature, humidity, and run distance. Dogs on Trt had greater fasted Trp compared with baseline, greater post-meal Trp and serotonin compared with baseline, greater post-meal Trp compared with fasted, and greater post-meal Trp and serotonin compared with Ctl (P < 0.05). Fecal data indicated that Trp improved stool scores (P < 0.05) yet had no effect on fecal metabolites. An overall increase in lean and decrease in fat mass was found (P < 0.05), but Trt had no effect on body composition. Optimization of the dietary Trp:LNAA ratio may help to improve GI health without compromising performance in actively training sled dogs.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article numberskaa128
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number5
StatePublished - Apr 25 2020


  • amino acids
  • body composition
  • exercise
  • fecal quality
  • sled dogs
  • tryptophan

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Science
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Genetics


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