Effect of subcutaneous vs intramuscular administration of P.G. 600 on estrual and ovulatory responses of prepubertal gilts

R. V. Knox, K. W. Tudor, S. L. Rodriguez-Zas, J. A. Robb

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The effects of s.c. and i.m. administration of P.G. 600 on estrual and ovulatory responses of prepubertal gilts were investigated. One hundred eighty-four crossbred gilts between 159 and 174 d of age were assigned to receive P.G. 600 s.c. (s.c. P.G. 600) in the flank, P.G. 600 i.m. in the neck (i.m. P.G. 600), or no treatment (control). At the beginning of the study (d 0), animals were selected from a modified, open-front barn, regrouped, relocated to new pens, and exposed once daily to a mature boar to check for estrus. On d 17, ovaries were collected from all gilts and analyzed for the presence of corpora lutea (CL), cystic follicles, and cystic CL. A higher proportion of gilts expressed estrus with s.c. P.G. 600 (76%) than with i.m. P.G. 600 (52%, P < .01) or controls (15%, P < .01). The interval from initiation of treatment on d 0 to estrus was reduced (P < .01) by P.G. 600 (4.6 d) compared to controls (5.9 d), but there was no significant difference between P.G. 600 treatments. Both s.c. P.G. 600 (86%) and i.m. P.G. 600 (77%) induced more gilts to ovulate (P < .01) than controls (18%), but there was no significant difference between P.G. 600 treatments. No significant effect of treatment was detected on number of CL (17.9), number of cystic follicles (1.5), or number of cystic CL (2.1). Proportions of gilts that developed cystic follicles or cystic CL were not influenced by treatment. Results of this study indicated that s.c. ministration of P.G. 600 significantly improved the induction of estrus in prepubertal gilts compared to i.m. administration.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1732-1737
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2000


  • Chorionic Gonadotropin
  • Estrus
  • Gilts
  • Intramuscular Injection
  • Ovulation
  • Subcutaneous Injection

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Science
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Genetics


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