Effect of housing system and boar exposure on estrus expression in weaned sows

Robert Victor Knox, S. M. Breen, K. L. Willenburg, S. Roth, G. M. Miller, K. M. Ruggiero, Sandra Luisa Rodriguez-Zas

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Reproductive efficiency depends on detection of estrus, which may be influenced by housing and boar exposure. This experiment investigated the effects of housing system and boar contact on measures of estrus in weaned sows. Mixed-parity sows were randomly assigned to be weaned into gestation crates away from boars (AWC, n = 45), into pens away from boars (AWP, n = 42), or into pens adjacent to a mature boar (ADJ, n = 46). Estrus detection was initiated at approximately 0700 (0 h) and again at 0.25-, 0.5-, 1-, 2-, 4-, and 8-h intervals beginning on d 4 and continuing through d 7 following weaning. Estrus detection involved observation of the standing response after application of nose-to-nose boar exposure, backpressure, and side rubbing. For the AWC sows, a mature boar was moved to the front of the crates for a 10-min period and then removed. Sows housed in AWP were moved approximately 15 m to an empty pen adjacent to a mature boar for a 10-min period, and then returned to their pen. Sows housed ADJ were not moved and estrus detection was performed in their home pen for a 10-min period. The proportion of sows expressing estrus within 7 d from weaning was lowest for ADJ (80%, 37/46) compared with AWP (98%, 41/42) and AWC (96%, 43/45; P < 0.05). There was an effect of interval from weaning to estrus on the percentage of sows expressing estrus, but there was no interaction with treatment. Sows in AWC and AWP (4.7 d) had decreased (P = 0.01) intervals from weaning to estrus compared with ADJ (5.2 d). The duration of estrus was also shorter (P < 0.001) for ADJ (45 h) compared with AWC (58 h) or AWP (62 h). There was a treatment x interval x day of estrus effect for the percentage of sows expressing estrus. After detection of the first standing response on the first day of estrus, only 62 to 82% of sows were detected standing over the next 2 h for all treatments. However, at 4 to 8 h, this increased to 85 to 98% for the AWC and AWP sows, but <73% of the ADJ sows were detected during this period. On the second day of estrus, estrus expression was not influenced by interval for the AWC and AWP sows and was between 90 to 100% during the 8-h period, whereas ADJ sow detection rates were between 68 to 88%. These data suggest that housing sows adjacent to boars negatively affects estrus expression and detection. In addition, refractory behavior occurs in approximately 30 to 40% of sows and is influenced by housing relative to the boar, day of estrus, and interval from last boar exposure.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)3088-3093
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of animal science
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2004


  • Boar Exposure
  • Crates
  • Estrus
  • Housing
  • Pens
  • Sows

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Food Science
  • Animal Science and Zoology
  • Genetics


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