Education and Democratic Theory: Finding a Place for Community Participation in Public School Reform

A. Belden Fields, Walter Feinberg

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingBook


Much has been made of the gap between public schools and the communities that they serve. This book shows how a group of teachers, parents, and community people in "Ed City" formed an educational reform group—the Project for Educational Democracy—to increase access to decision making in their school system, especially for members of the community who had previously been excluded. A combination of ethnographic research and theoretical reflection, this book addresses concepts of community, authority, representation, participation, and democracy.
Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherSUNY Press
Number of pages158
ISBN (Print)9780791449998, 9780791450000
StatePublished - Apr 2001

Publication series

NameSUNY series, Democracy and Education; SUNY series in Political Theory: Contemporary Issues


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