Dynamics of linear discrete systems connected to local, essentially non-linear attachments

A. F. Vakakis, L. I. Manevitch, O. Gendelman, L. Bergman

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The dynamics of a linear periodic substructure, weakly coupled to an essentially non-linear attachment are studied. The essential (non-linearizable) non-linearity of the attachment enables it to resonate with any of the linearized modes of the subtructure leading to energy pumping phenomena, e.g., passive, one-way, irreversible transfer of energy from the substructure to the attachment. As a specific application the dynamics of a finite linear chain of coupled oscillators with a non-linear end attachment is examined. In the absence of damping, it is found that the dynamical effect of the non-linear attachment is predominant in neighborhoods of internal resonances between the attachment and the chain. When damping exists energy pumping phenomena are realized in the system. It is shown that energy pumping strongly depends on the topological structure of the non-linear normal modes (NNMs) of the underlying undamped system. This is due to the fact that energy pumping is caused by the excitation of certain damped invariant NNM manifolds that are analytic continuations for weak damping of NNMs of the underlying undamped system. The bifurcations of the NNMs of the undamped system help explain resonance capture cascades in the damped system. This is a series of energy pumping phenomena occurring at different frequencies, with sudden lower frequency transitions between sequential events. The observed multi-frequency energy pumping cascades are particularly interesting from a practical point of view, since they indicate that non-linear attachments can be designed to resonate and extract energy from an a priori specified set of modes of a linear structure, in compatibility with the design objectives.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)559-577
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of Sound and Vibration
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jul 10 2003

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Condensed Matter Physics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Acoustics and Ultrasonics
  • Mechanical Engineering


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