DNA methylation profiles differ between field- and in vitro-grown leaves of apple

Xiangqian Li, Mingliang Xu, Schuyler S. Korban

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


A reliable method has been previously developed to detect cytosine methylation at the 5′-CCGG-3′ sequence using isoschizomers (MspI and HpaII) and a modified amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique. With this method, DNA methylation profiles were investigated in leaf tissues of apple (Malus x domestica cv. Gala) grown under two different growth conditions, field and tissue culture A. total of 1,622 AFLP bands were detected using 32 pairs of primers, and these banding patterns were assembled into three groups. Type I AFLP bands were present in both EcoR I/Hpa II and EcoR I/Msp I lanes. Type II bands were present in the EcoR I/Msp I lanes, but not in EcoR I/Hpa II lanes. Type III bands were present in EcoR I/Hpa II lanes, but not in the EcoR I/Msp I lanes. For leaf tissues of field- and in vitro-grown apples, the ratios of types I, II, and III to the total number of amplified fragments were 70%, 24%, and 6%, and 71%, 23%, and 6%, respectively. Although the ratios of the three types of banding patterns were similar in both leaf tissues, a few bands specific to either field-grown trees or in vitro-grown shoots were observed This study provided evidence that changes in methylation occurred in apple leaf tissues subjected to tissue culture growth conditions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1229-1234
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Plant Physiology
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 1 2002


  • AFLP
  • Apple
  • Cytosine methylation
  • Isoschizomers
  • Malus
  • Tissue culture

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Physiology
  • Agronomy and Crop Science
  • Plant Science


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