Diaphragmatic and perineal hernias associated with cutaneous asthenia in a cat

Noemi Benitah, Jennifer L. Matousek, Roy F. Barnes, Carol A. Lichtensteiger, Karen L. Campbell

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An 11-year-old cat was evaluated because of dyspnea. Since 11 months of age, the cat had hyperextensibility of the skin consistent with cutaneous asthenia. Radiographic examination revealed a diaphragmatic hernia with intestinal loops in the thorax. Electron microscopic examination of skin specimens revealed collagen fibers of highly variable diameter, consistent with cutaneous asthenia. The diaphragmatic hernia was surgically repaired and healed well. Four weeks later, a left-sided perineal hernia was repaired surgically, and 4 months later, a right-sided perineal hernia was repaired surgically and colopexy and cystopexy were performed. All surgical procedures were successful and tissues healed well. Dermatosparaxis is a rare hereditary disorder that commonly results in cutaneous fragility and hyperextensibility in affected animals. The diagnosis depends on clinical findings and light and electron microscopic changes in affected tissues. Surgical repair can be performed successfully in an affected cat, and healing of incisions can occur without complications.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)706-709+698
JournalJournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Issue number5
StatePublished - Mar 1 2004

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • General Veterinary


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