Design Schematics for a Sustainable Parking Lot: Building 2-2332, ENRD Classroom, Fort Bragg, NC

Annette L. Stumpf, Paul M. Loechl, Eric D. Johnson, Richard J. Scholze, Brian M. Deal, Michelle J. Hanson

Research output: Book/Report/Conference proceedingTechnical report


Standard parking lots constructed with traditional techniques of impervious pavement typically concrete and asphalt are associated with a host of inherent problems runoff problems, heat buildup, air pollution, light glare, and poor aesthetics. When planners at Fort Bragg, NC identified the need for a new parking lot for an installation classroom building, the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory ERDCCERL was tasked with planning a sustainable design charrette to explore and develop alternative parking lot designs that would meet Fort Braggs parking needs, as well as its need to meet sustainable design requirement and to alleviate the installation s water runoff problem. This effort provided four design schematics for a sustainable parking lot to meet classroom needs and design sustainability requirements, and recommended strategies for incorporating sustainable design into the overall project site.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Place of PublicationFt. Belvoir
PublisherDefense Technical Information Center
Number of pages77
StatePublished - Jun 2003


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