
Geometric integrity directly impacts the functionality, reliability, and safety of final manufactured products, making the qualification of parts based on measurements of their geometry a fundamental quality control activity in modern manufacturing. Recent advancements in three-dimensional (3D) metrology technologies have enabled fine-scale inspection of geometric integrity characterized by dimensional accuracy, surface quality, and shape conformity. However, the widespread adoption of high-resolution 3D metrology in manufacturing faces some significant challenges posed by the inherent data structures of 3D point clouds such as high dimensionality, unstructured nature, and sparsity in defective regions. To address these challenges, this paper first creates a “MFGNet-gear” dataset, which is a scalable and comprehensive benchmark dataset comprising 12 part designs with four quality classes for each design. Subsequently, we develop a deep learning model adapted from the PointNet++ architecture to enable automated, end-to-end analysis of 3D point clouds. The model can be configured for different decision-making tasks including part design classification and multi-class geometric defect detection. Implementations of the proposed model on the “MFGNet-gear” dataset achieve accuracies up to 100% in classifying gear designs and up to 85% in four-class quality inspection. Additionally, we systematically investigate the impacts of measurement resolution and precision on the classification performance through a series of case studies. The obtained results highlight the potential of using deep learning methods for automated analysis of 3D point clouds for a variety of quality control tasks beyond gear manufacturing. This study also proposes future research directions, including the development of new deep learning architectures specifically designed for manufacturing 3D point clouds and strategies for adaptive measurement planning.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1324-1333
Number of pages10
JournalManufacturing Letters
StatePublished - Oct 2024


  • 3D metrology
  • 3D point clouds
  • Deep learning
  • Defect detection
  • Gear manufacturing
  • Geometric integrity
  • Quality control

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


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