Data-based individualization in mathematics to support middleschool teachers and their students with mathematics learning difficulty

Sarah R. Powell, Erica S. Lembke, Leanne R. Ketterlin-Geller, Yaacov Petscher, Jiyung Hwang, Samantha E. Bos, Taylor Cox, Stacy Hirt, Erica N. Mason, Tiffini Pruitt-Britton, Elizabeth Thomas, Stephanie Hopkins

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Project STAIR (Supporting Teaching of Algebra: Individual Readiness) aims to develop and iteratively refine a framework for using data-based individualization (DBI) to support the readiness for algebra of middle-school students with mathematics learning difficulty. Project STAIR was tested in four middle schools in the United States to assess the impact of intensive professional development, ongoing coaching, and frequent student progress monitoring on teachers’ DBI practices, school-level culture and climate, and students’ algebra readiness. Findings from this exploratory research point to the promise of Project STAIR for improving teacher perceptions of school culture and climate related to support of students experiencing mathematics learning difficulty as well as increasing specific DBI practices, including teachers’ ratings of importance, understanding, and confidence with assessment practices. Students’ mathematics outcomes improved on several algebra-readiness progress monitoring measures, along with a diagnostic measure, but not on a more distal measure of mathematics performance.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number100897
JournalStudies in Educational Evaluation
StatePublished - Jun 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • Data-based decision making
  • Intervention
  • Mathematics
  • Middle school
  • Teacher evaluation

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Education


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