Dancing the Curriculum: Exploring the Body and Movement in Elementary Schools

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


School disciplines, academic or those aspiring to be academic, target the mind and cognition, ignoring the body at best and subduing it at worst. A moving body in school is typically regarded as disruptive.1 Yet, there is considerable movement even in the most restrictive classes. Under a certain choreography pupils raise their hands, walk to the board, help the teacher distribute materials, sharpen pencils, go to the bathroom. Such instrumental choreography is in marked contrast to the role of the body in the art worlds of dance and drama. There, the body is cultivated towards highly sophisticated movement for expressive purposes. The dialectic between these contrasting sets of expectations for the body and movement shapes the school discipline of dance. Based on a multiple-year2 qualitative study of three elementary (K-5) dance/drama teachers, I examine the learning opportunities for the body in the operational curriculum with a focus on school dance.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationKnowing Bodies, Moving Minds
Subtitle of host publicationTowards Embodied Teaching and Learning
EditorsLiora Bresler
ISBN (Electronic)9781402020230
ISBN (Print)9781402020216, 9781402020223
StatePublished - 2004

Publication series

NameLandscapes: the Arts, Aesthetics, and Education
ISSN (Print)1573-4528
ISSN (Electronic)2214-0069


  • classroom teacher
  • peanut butter
  • travel path
  • school discipline
  • physical education program


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