Creating bibliographic and cataloging standards and developing cooperation in polish academic libraries after the implementation of VTLS

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The article discusses the process of creating bibliographic and cataloging standards, after the implementation of VTLS, in major Polish academic libraries. It examines the adoption of the USMARC format as a standard for the transfer of bibliographic data in Poland, and the editorial work of VTLS libraries resulting in publication of USMARC format manuals for Polish libraries. The question of authority control is studied, with special attention given to the creation of the ckhw (a common online authority database), which includes authority records for series, uniform titles, personal, corporate, and geographic names, and topical subject headings. The development of the KABA subject thesaurus, which is influenced by the RAMEAU and LC subject systems, is discussed, and the structure of subject authority MARC records, as used by Polish libraries, is examined. Finally, the effect of the VTLS implementation upon the establishment of national and local library consortia in Poland is considered.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)182-192
Number of pages11
JournalInformation Technology and Libraries
Issue number4
StatePublished - Dec 1997

ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Information Systems
  • Library and Information Sciences


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