Cosponsorship and Coalition-Building in the U.S. House

Research output: Working paper


We study cosponsorship of bills and joint resolutions in the House of Representatives in the 101st-108th Congresses (1989-2004). Our unit of analysis is an individual legislator’s decision to cosponsor each of the 43,596 measures introduced during these Congresses. We ask how characteristics of sponsors, potential cosponsors, and the dyadic relationships between them (including common policy interests, institutional connections, and a history of past cosponsorship interactions) influence the probability of cosponsoring a measure, and we explore the reputational effects of failure to follow through on cosponsorship commitments. Our results are consistent with an explanation in which the decision to cosponsor goes beyond shared policy interests. Coordination and logrolling between MCs also appears to be at work.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Number of pages46
StatePublished - Aug 13 2009

Publication series

NameAPSA 2009 Toronto Meeting Paper


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